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Catholic Guest User Catholic Guest User

Teaching Your Child About Forgiveness

Children learn phrases like “I accept your apology” or “I forgive you” early on in life. However, they need to truly understand the meaning of forgiveness to move past what has happened. This can be hard for children who are experiencing emotions like betrayal or hurt for the first time. Talk your child through why it’s important to forgive others, how to forgive others, and how it will ultimately benefit them to let go.

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Holiday Guest User Holiday Guest User

How to Teach Your Child About Memorial Day

Our country sets aside a day every year to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the military. This year on May 30, take an opportunity to teach your child about the significance of Memorial Day. Wherever you decide to celebrate, there are plenty of ways to honor the fallen as a family.

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Catholic Guest User Catholic Guest User

5 Fun Easter Activities for Families

Easter is one of the most important holidays on the Catholic liturgical calendar. It’s the day we come together to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For many families, it’s also a day that lends itself to quality time. The typical holiday traditions, like decorating eggs and going to church, are almost inevitable on this day. Discover more fun activities you can do to celebrate!

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Catholic Guest User Catholic Guest User

4 Prayers for Children to Say in the Morning

From the moment you get out of bed, you start making choices about how to spend your day. Praying with your child can be a great way to bond and to help your child get into the habit of daily prayer. What you typically pray for may be a little different from what your child has in mind. Here are some prayers you can say with your child to start the day.

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Parents Guest User Parents Guest User

How to Talk to Your Child About Bullying

No one wants to think their child will fall victim to bullying — or worse, become a bully themselves. However, it’s a common problem that keeps growing with the amount of time children spend online. The best way to break the bullying cycle is to be involved in your child’s life. A confident, secure child is much less likely to allow themselves to be bullied or to bully others. Learn how you can talk to your child about this difficult subject.

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Catholic Guest User Catholic Guest User

Why You Should Participate in Catholic Schools Week

Whether you’re a parent of a Catholic school student or hope to be one in the future, Catholic Schools Week is a great opportunity to see what the Catholic schools in your community are doing. If your child isn’t enrolled in Catholic school yet, you can check out the Catholic schools around you to see which one would be the best fit. Go to events that showcase the best of what your school or future school has to offer.

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Academics Guest User Academics Guest User

How to Make Science Fun for Your Child

Learning about science requires all parts of the brain, which can be challenging for some students. Children have the advantage of being naturally curious and eager to explore. However, science classes don’t always make it clear that there’s more to the subject than memorizing which rocks are igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Whether your child already loves science or doesn’t get why it matters, these simple experiments can make science more fun.

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Catholic Guest User Catholic Guest User

Finding Joy in a Life of Faith

The Catholic faith has a reputation for being solemn and serious. The amount of time dedicated to Mass, prayer and Holy Days of Obligation can look overwhelming from an outside perspective. However, there’s a lot of joy to be found in these practices. Faith can give children and adults guidance that helps in difficult times. Through religion, people can find joy, love and peace.

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Maria Del Amo-Diocese Maria Del Amo-Diocese

November is Black Catholic History Month

Black Catholic History Month starts on November 1st and it is a time for us to celebrate the contributions of Black Catholics to the Roman Catholic tradition.

In honor of Black History Month, we are sharing short biographies and quotes from Black and African American figures, with a focus on Black Catholics and their contributions to the Catholic spiritual and intellectual traditions and social doctrines.

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Parents Guest User Parents Guest User

Teaching the Value of Honesty

Let’s face it — being honest isn’t always easy. For children who don’t always take into consideration the consequences of their actions, it can be especially difficult. They learn early on that they’ll be punished for making mistakes, and lying can seem like an easy way to cover up for wrongdoing. Children need to be taught why honesty is important with graceful guidance. Here’s how you can help your child understand the value of honesty.

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Education Guest User Education Guest User

5 Ways to Help Your Child Stop Procrastinating

Children may procrastinate for any number of reasons. What looks like low motivation could be a completely different issue, such as unrealistic expectations or poor time management skills. People of all ages get caught up in procrastinating on projects, from homework assignments to major work presentations. Here’s how you can help your child break the procrastination cycle.

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Parents Guest User Parents Guest User

Keeping Children Safe on Social Media

Most children have a relationship with social media, whether it’s watching their favorite YouTube series or sharing video clips with their friends on Snapchat or TikTok. These apps bring people together, which can have benefits and unintended consequences. There’s a lot to look out for on social media, from excessive screen time to online predators. Keeping your child safe from online threats can have a significant impact on their mental and physical health. Here are some tips for keeping your child safe online.

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Catholic Guest User Catholic Guest User

5 Life Lessons Children Can Learn from the Bible

While the Bible contains complex overarching themes and morals for adults, children can also benefit from reading it. Fantastical stories and poignant verses can guide anyone who wants to learn. Some lessons can be simplified in a way that teaches children new concepts and reminds adults of what matters. Here are some of those lessons.

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