Why You Should Participate in Catholic Schools Week

Once a year, every Catholic school in the nation celebrates Catholic Schools Week, holding events for students and their families to remind them of everything that makes Catholic school great. This year’s theme for Catholic Schools Week is “Faith. Excellence. Service.” These three words perfectly describe the experience of attending one of these great schools. In 2022, Catholic Schools Week is celebrated from January 30 - February 5. Here’s why it’s important to participate in Catholic Schools Week if you can.

Purpose of Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week is a national celebration of what Catholic schools do for students, their families and their communities. It promotes the idea that each Catholic school, just like the Catholic Church, is more than just a building where children go to learn. Throughout the week, families discover how Catholic schools help children become faithful adults who thrive in mind, body and spirit. Those who participate in the week’s activities learn how everyone who attends Catholic school works together to build a solid foundation. 

Learn About Local Catholic Schools

Whether you’re a parent of a Catholic school student or hope to be one in the future, Catholic Schools Week is a great opportunity to see what the Catholic schools in your community are doing. If your child isn’t enrolled in Catholic school yet, you can check out the Catholic schools around you to see which one would be the best fit. Go to events that showcase the best of what your school or future school has to offer.

Have Fun with Your Child

This isn’t just a series of lectures about the benefits of Catholic school. It’s a celebration of Catholic school with activities for everyone in the school community. Scholarship Day, Service Day, and Teacher and Student Appreciation Day are a few examples of Catholic Schools Week themed activities. Families can also celebrate on designated days and are welcome to join for most of the week’s events.

By attending Catholic Schools Week, you can learn why Catholic school is a great choice for your child. At our Osceola private schools, we instill leadership and compassion in our students through rigorous academics and a foundation of faith. We foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us here.


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