How to Make Science Fun for Your Child

Learning about science requires all parts of the brain, which can be challenging for some students. Children have the advantage of being naturally curious and eager to explore. However, science classes don’t always make it clear that there’s more to the subject than memorizing which rocks are igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Whether your child already loves science or doesn’t get why it matters, these simple experiments can make science more fun.

Make it Messy

Cooking is one form of household science that you probably do every day. Get your child involved in the baking process by allowing them to help measure out the ingredients and showing them how a well-measured baking project produces delicious results. If they’re more into arts and crafts, consider making slime together. All you need for the popular slime experiment is Elmer’s glue, saline solution and baking soda. Food coloring can make baking or slime creation just a little bit more fun.

Use Household Objects

You don’t need a laboratory to show your child science in action. Have you ever tried the Mentos and Diet Coke experiment? As the candy sinks, pressure builds, and as a result, the soda erupts! That’s a great way to demonstrate how chemicals react with one another. Not a fan of junk food in the house? Try a water-based experiment, allowing your child to see which (waterproof or disposable) objects sink or float in a bucket or tub of water.

Build Simple Structures

You can easily make ramps, levers, pulleys and more with items you find around the house. Consider using discarded recyclable materials or items that would otherwise be used for arts and crafts. Experiment with your child to see if you can DIY a Rube Goldberg machine, something that takes a lot of effort to do a simple task while teaching your child about the basics of physics. The more functions it has, the more they’ll learn!

Go Outside

Observe the outside world, especially plants and animals, with your child. Nature walks are a great way to learn about science, or you can start at home. Plan and build a garden together. Start by researching what will grow and how to grow it, then show your child how it will work over time by planting! This won’t give them instant gratification, but it will show them the importance of nurturing plants to allow them to grow. 

Science is fundamental, so why not make it fun? At our Osceola private schools, we instill leadership and compassion in our students through rigorous academics and a foundation of faith. We foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us here.


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