Family Time and Its Importance

Think back to your childhood. What’s your most treasured memory? Is it your dad tossing a baseball to you in your front yard? Did your grandma greet you at the door with freshly baked cookies on weekend visits? Maybe your mother read to you at bedtime. Whatever your most treasured memory is, it’s something from your childhood that’s stayed with you. And you want that for your children. Here’s the secret: You don’t need a big, expensive gesture to create memorable moments. Saint Cloud schoolsknow all it takes is spending a little intentional time together.


Intentional Family Time

Creating memories doesn’t have to come in the form of a grand vacation or an expensive gift. The way to creating childhood memories is by spending intentional time together. The key word is intentional. Driving your child to school or watching TV at the breakfast table doesn’t count. Any scenario that allows you to go on auto-pilot is coincidental or obligatory family time. It is important to have fun and to make the time spent meaningful. Connect with your child on his level. Try doing something he’s interested in, like have him teach you how to play his favorite video game, or work with him on his pitching skills. Let him know you value him. Creating traditions is another good tactic. Decorating the Christmas tree together, playing Scrabble on Sunday nights, or taking a family walk in pajamas after dinner are all great examples. In Florida, most destinations end up at a theme park. Yet, there are many unique ways to staycation. Explore your local area and find hidden gems. Central Florida is home to cool places, such as Kelly Park Rock Springs or the Kennedy Space Center. Find what will work for your family.


Benefits on Child Development

Family time is important, and not just because it’s fun. Spending quality time together impacts your child’s development in a positive way. Spending intentional time together strengthens bonds, forming strong emotional ties. You build an environment that encourages communication, allowing your child to always feel comfortable talking to you. Fostering this open environment will assist in reducing risky behavior. By incorporating family time into your week, you’ll build your child’s self-esteem. This helps your child’s academic performance, as well as providing a good example to follow in regard to friendships.


Pick an activity that suits your family’s style and spend some intentional time together. The rewards will last a lifetime. At Saint Cloud schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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