Take a Road Trip This Spring Break

Are you thinking about ways your family can spend spring break? Have you all been saying you’re going to take a road trip and never do? Maybe this spring break can be the time! You and your child work hard, so the top St. Cloud private schools think you should enjoy hitting the road and seeing the world!

You and your child are under a lot of pressure. She’s been working hard at school and on her after-school activities. The stress of your own duties and coping with your child’s workload is weighing on you. You both deserve a break! Teach your child the importance of balance by showing her that among the busyness, she needs to make time to unwind and relax. Taking time away gives your child the opportunity to let go of her everyday routine for just a few days. Balance is key, and your child learning this now will help her grow into a hardworking, stress-free adult!

Try New Things
As a parent, you should encourage your child to be adventurous and try new things. During your travels, find opportunities for her to get out of her shell and do something different.  Show her the sky's the limit, and she can do anything she puts her mind to. Build on this confidence now so when she becomes an adult, she believes in herself. 

Find God
God is all around us. He’s in the kindness of strangers and in nature’s wonders. You don’t have to take her to 5-star hotels or fancy restaurants. She should understand that beauty is in the little things, the moments we share. From the hike through the mountains with the natural springs to camping under the starry night. Remind her to grab her gratitude journal and document every moment along the way. 

Cultures and Sights
Traveling gives us the opportunity to explore a world beyond on your own. Expose your child to the many wonders outside of our own city. Take her to a church in another city or state. Show her all the beauty in God’s creations — from canyons to waterfalls. These views are God’s design that we need to take care of.

Meeting New People
Through your journey, you’ll come across many types of people. Take the time to talk to strangers. Give back, provide a compliment, and ask questions. Whether it’s the priest at the church you visit or a member of the community, there is always something to learn.

If you’re worried about traveling with a child, take a peek at some tips we have on our blog! At St. Cloud private schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


Message from Henry Fortier, Superintendent of Catholic Schools on School Closures, March 13, 2020


Teach Your Child Organizational Skills