Catholic Crafts: Teach Your Child the Scripture Through Art

Religious arts and activities encourage your children’s lifelong engagement with the Bible’s teachings. Fun activities like these from Osceola County private schools will make the Scripture more memorable and keep your child connected to his faith.


For Young Learners

It’s no question that children love colors and creating things by coloring. Younger children, specifically, learn best with activities that include colors, snacks, and singing. 

Joseph’s Colorful Coat

This simple paper bag craft teaches your child about colors and the plan God had for not only Joseph but all of us. It tells your child a good story about forgiveness. All you’ll need is a lunch-sized white paper bag, marker, watercolors, paintbrush, and water to create Joseph’s colorful coat.

Marshmallow Sheep

These little marshmallow sheep remind us that the Lord is our shepherd and we are his sheep. Teach your child how much God cares and provides for us with this easy craft from Dukes and Duchesses. All you’ll need is Milano cookies, mini chocolate chips, and brown peanut M&M’S. Then you’ve got yourself an educational story and snack!

Jesus’ Band

Get grooving with Jesus’ band by creating this harp box that will show your child songs about the Bible and teaches him the importance of singing the praise of God. Kinder Art has the instructions and list of materials, which includes a Harp CD, colored rice, art media, and more.


For Elementary Learners

Elementary-aged children have endless energy and usually have difficulty concentrating on one task. Playing games is a great way to tackle that! Older children prefer activities that are challenging, such as puzzles and creative thinking. Use this age range for reading about how the Bible teaches us kindness and selflessness.

Bible Bookmarks

Bible Bookmarks don’t take many materials, so it’s crafting and saving money at the same time! Select one of the various templates available online, which includes Psalm 23, Twelve Apostles, and Wise Men. These simple reminders of the Scripture will excite your child about Bible study!

Service Scavenger Hunts

Pay it forward with a service scavenger hunt. Your child will be challenged to practice what they have learned about generosity from the Scripture. This PDF document from Thirty Handmade Days includes instructions on how to hunt at someone’s home or in the community. The task lists include random acts of kindness, such as taking out someone’s trash or leaving uplifting notes on cars. Take pictures of each task as you check it off your list!


At Osceola County private schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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