Beat the Mid-Year Slump

Going back to school and work after Christmas break is tough. December is an exciting month, full of parties and time spent with family, so when it’s time to return to reality, many of us tend to hit a slump. However, there are ways to combat this and make the month of January a little more appealing!Form Study GroupsFor students who dread returning to regular homework, suggest they form a study group with friends. Help your child think about which of her friends are not only fun to be around, but reliable, have a good work ethic, and encourage her to be productive. She and her group can meet weekly, bi-weekly, or however often is necessary. It never hurts to throw in some delicious study snacks for good measure!Rewards SystemSet up a rewards system for your child, giving her an incentive to stay on top of her schoolwork and other obligations. Post a chart in the kitchen listing tasks or goals your child needs to complete or strive towards: surpassing her last test grade, finishing a project ahead of the deadline, or keeping her backpack or planner organized for a certain period of time. When she hits one of these goals, reward her with a small prize! If she consistently reaches every goal on the chart, go out for a fun family activity of her choice.Branch OutTrying something new can make the winter months more exciting! For instance, your child might be interested in trying out for a new sports team in the spring; the break is a perfect time to practice with siblings or neighbors. You can also browse Pinterest for a craft project, and take a family trip to your local craft store to get supplies. Another great option for students is to begin volunteering with an organization that lines up with their interests. Your child might be passionate about walking dogs at an animal shelter, playing piano for nursing home residents, or volunteering with a sports league for disabled children.Take a BreakIt’s important to relax and have fun. However, free time isn’t going to magically appear, so make a conscious effort to schedule it into your calendar. Enjoy a fun family night, invite her friends over for a game night, or don’t plan anything at all — let your children find something to play or do around the house! Remind older children with more homework that they need to allow themselves free time so they don’t burn out. Debrief Last SemesterThe middle of the school year is a great time to have a heart-to-heart with your child. Make sure you don’t make her feel guilty, judged, or as if you’re giving orders; instead, just listen. When she’s done telling you how she felt about last semester, ask questions! Where does she need help? How can you help her? Could a tutor help her? Finish by reminding her you’re proud of her, and tell her how excited you are to tackle the rest of the school year together.Osceola County private schools proclaim the Gospel message within an academic environment of excellence that challenges students to be creative and critical thinkers. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us at 407-246-4800.


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