Why You Should Get Your Child That Puppy He Keeps Asking For

Is your child begging for a pet? Don’t turn him down entirely. There are actually many benefits that pets provide a child! Adding a little pooch or kitty to the family may not be a bad idea, and the top St. Cloud private schools explain why.

Fewer Allergies and Asthma
Growing up in a home with a furry friend reduces the chances of your child developing common allergies and asthma. According to LiveWell, seasonal allergies are the most common type of allergy and affect more than six million children a year. Avoid having your child be a part of that statistic by simply raising him around animals!  

More Physical Activity
If your child has a dog, he will find it more exciting to engage in physical activity! Dogs require a lot of attention, including walking, playing, and running around. They need outdoor time and it’s a great way to encourage your child to get outside and basking in all the health benefits of staying active!

Teaching Empathy
Having a pet develops empathetic feelings among children. He will be responsible for nurturing the pet and will practice being a caregiver. Tell him to keep an eye out for the pet’s health. Is the pet eating? Is the pet sleeping well? Does he appear to be sick? If the pet is showing signs and symptoms of illness, take your child with you to the vet so he can learn the process and acquire that responsibility skill for when he’s out on his own!

Encouraging Responsibility
Caring for a pet requires responsibility — a trait your child should build upon now. He will be responsible for feeding the pet, walking with the pet, playing with the pet, and cleaning up after the pet. Learning how to be a pet parent now will prepare him for when he grows up and has his own children!


Reducing Stress and Loneliness
Especially if your child has no siblings, adopting a pet for him to take care can reduce the feeling of stress and loneliness. Your child may be an only child, and having a pet could make him more motivated to do things independently. If your child has siblings, the love and care that the entire family shares for the family pet will boost bonding among all the brothers and sisters — also reducing stress and loneliness!

At the St. Cloud private schools, we foster an atmosphere of care and an environment of high expectations and effective discipline. To learn more about what makes us different, contact the Office of Catholic Schools at the Diocese of Orlando by dialing 407-246-4800.


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Message from Henry Fortier, Superintendent of Catholic Schools on School Closures, March 13, 2020